Friday, December 09, 2005

Another lonely Christmas...

Last night I spent another lonely Christmas
Darling, darling, u should've been there

Cuz all the 1s I dream about

U are the 1 that makes my love shout

U see, u are the only 1 I care 4 - "Another Lonely Christmas" - Prince

I kind of have mixed emotions this time of year - this is supposed to be time when you can't wait to go home to see your family, talk to your cousins, help your grandmother wash dishes, play with the new toys you got from your parents... so quiet as it's kept, I'm a little jealous of my boy up in NC right about now - I need to see some little kids running around playing with whatever new toy or playing video games. Christmas only makes me remember that I'm a grownup now. I can't go running around in circles at my grandmother's basement anymore - and not because all the adults would yell at me - because I would hit my head on the ceiling down there.

This is the time when you want to be a kid again - no car payments to worry about - praying for some snow (it worked three times for me - once in Florida!) - and trying your best to get up as early as possible even though the 25th is the only day you are trying to get out of the bed early.

Anyway, I don't want to bring the mood down, but to all the inner childs out there please have a Merry Christmas even though reality may not let you.


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