Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"PLAYOFFS??!!! Don't talk to me about the PLAYOFFS!!!!" - Jim Mora, Sr.

Maybe I didn't want to go to cold ass Detroit for the SuperBowl. Maybe that's why the Falcons screwed away the second half of the season. At this point, I will take almost any explanation. It's that damn parity stuff. The gift and the curse. Without it, we would probably suck year in and year out - with it, we go from year to year wondering what's going to happen... holding our breath like I was the other night watching "24". Whatever it is, I'm officially hoping for a Carolina - Pittsburgh Superbowl in the Motor City. It would only be fitting for two teams that have been on the road doing what was deemed the impossible. I won't begin to go into my convoluted explanation of why I root for certain teams. Just suffice it to say it has something to do with the Falcons and their history.

Anyway, here's to what's shaping up to be an exciting Championship Weekend. Let's hope it lives up to the hype.


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